Research team

 Tânia Nobre

Studied Biology at the University of Lisbon where I graduated in 1997. My PhD was obtained at University of London (QMUL) in 2007. Awarded a Marie-Curie IEF, I have moved to the University of Wageningen where I stayed as a post-doc. In 2013 I was awarded a Marie-Curie Career Development Grant and moved to University of Évora. Biologist and entomologist as background I have gained extra expertise in areas such as phylogeography and life-history evolution, fungal/bacterial genetics and symbiosis dynamics. Better understanding symbioses became my main interest in science. With this project I am happy to have joined my know-how in Entomology with my competences in genetics and my quest to understand symbiotic diversity.



Catarina Campos

With a degree in Biology in 2003 (University of Évora), I have worked in different disciplines ranging from microbiology and plant biotechnology, to epigenetic gene regulation of fish growth. Since my PhD obtained at University of Porto (ICBAS) in 2013 I have moved into the field of epigenetics applied to plant breeding towards a more sustainable agriculture. I am interested in studying epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation and small non-coding RNAs in plants and their involvement in responses to abiotic stresses. Also, I am interested in understanding the mechanisms, at the gene regulation level, of bioprotection and abiotic stress alleviation induced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi communities to their host plants.


Fernando Rei

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Luis Gomes

Post-Doctoral researcher fellow at University of Évora, with a Master degree in Biological conservation (University of Évora, 2005) and a PhD in Biology (University of Évora, 2013). My main research subjects were ecology, ethology and eco-ethology of vertebrates, with special interest in intra-specific communication, ecological modelling of specie distribution and behavioural patterns analysis. Actually, I opened my research to entomology, pest management and pest risk assessment, with particular interest in integrating different scientific fields in multidisciplinary approaches and developing innovative methodologies, or adapting those traditionally used in other fields.


Maria João Cabrita

Studied Food Science at the Technical University of Lisbon where she obtained her degree in 1991 and her MSc in 1994. Her PhD was obtained at Évora University (ÉU) in 2005, and in 2016 she obtained the habilitation degree. She is now Assistant Professor at ÉU in Crop Science Department, researcher at ICAAM (Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânicas), and head of the Laboratory of Enology at ÉU. She is involved in two main research areas: wine technology involving wine and wood chemistry; and geographic and varietal origin of olive oils.  She is also expert in chromatografic techniques.